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Membership Application

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Hold Harmless and Emergency Information

Every effort is made to avoid accidents and illness while involved in programs at the Creative Arts Center. However,
participants and their guardians must acknowledge that participation is at their own risk. In the event of injury or illness,
the participant and/or guardian agree to hold the Creative Arts Center, the Creative Arts Council and its Board, along with
its volunteers, staff, and instructors harmless and not responsible for damages and/or medical fees associated with
injuries or illness occurring while involved in the programs or while on the premises. My signature below confirms this
understanding. Permission to administer first aid and/or obtain needed medical attention for an injured participant in the event emergency contacts cannot be reached is hereby granted.

Video and Photo Release

I hereby grant to the Creative Arts Council and its employees, agents, and assignees permission to photograph and/orvideotape images of me and my minor child(ren) and permission to use any physical likenesses (as the same may appear in any still camera or motion image including voice and other sound recordings produced by me) for promotional and documentation purposes associated with the
operations of the Creative Arts Council and the Creative Arts Center including (but not limited to) advertising, informational
and grant writing operations with no restrictions on the number of times and dates for which this use applies. I hereby also
waive any rights I may have to inspect or approve the finished production, advertising copy, or printed matter associated
with the uses with which said images and recordings may be applied.

The CAC is run by a volunteer Board of Directors. We look to our membership community for help so we can continue to provide a variety of art programs. Joining a committee? Selling raffles?Or baking cookies... Would you like information on how you can help?

Please note: Business Memberships are available. Please inquire for more information on how you and your employees can join as members at a discounted rate. Contact:

We are funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in Montana's cultural and aesthetic project trust fund.

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  (c) 2023 Creative Arts Council

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